Express an Obligation, Prohibition, Suggestion / Recommendation, Instruction, Invitation, and Permission

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Haii guys🙌🏻 Back again with my blog, after 2 month or so I didn't make a blog😂how are you doing? hopefully good😉 Yes, just to the point here I will create a blog about,Obligation,Prohibition,Suggestion,Invitation,Permission And this in one blog guys is pretty much ok let's see.😸 ✨ Obligation ✨ Understanding Obligation is an Expression or Expression in English that is used to declare an Obligation -have to/has to + verb base -must + verb base 🦄Example🦄 •you must study hard •you have to study hard 🍭Respons🍭 •yes •sure 🏝Example dialogue🏝 A: hei how are you? b: yes i"m fine a:hei. are there a rules in your house(rules artinya peraturan) b: yes there are a:do you obey it(obey artinya mematuhi) b:no a:hey you must obligation to obey it b:ok sorry a:there are many rule in my house. i must obligation it b: wow you"re cool ✨ Prohibition ✨ Prohibition is a sentence forbidd...