
Greeting Card and Invitation !

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb hello friends! 😁 back again with me, how are you all?Hope everything will be fine today I'm gonna talking about greeting card and invitation. So let's go!🛵 🌞Greeting Card🌞 We also use greeting cards to greet, hopes, congratulate, express sympathy, or to express condolences.There are many kind of greeting card, such as Birthday cards, Thank-you cards, Get-well cards, and Congratulations cards. 🌦Structure of the Greeting Cards🌦 1) Receiver, penerima 2) Body card, Tubuh kartu 3) Sender, pengirim 🌈The purpose of the text🌈 In this case, so we can conclude the purpose of the text is to express hopes. 🦄Invitation Card🦄 An invitation is a request for individuals or groups to participate in an event. 🐇The purpose of the text🐇 The purpose of the text is for invite someone to a event.  🐄Structure of the Invitation🐄 1) Receiver,  2) Day/Date/Time,  3) Place/Address,  4) RSVP,  5) Sender,...

My Unforgetable Trip🏝

Asaalamualaikum wr wb hello friends! 😜 back again with me, how are you all?Hope everything will be fine this time, I will tell the story of my unforgettable trip to Bali get on with it ...🚲 On December 15 last year, Turi 1 and my junior high school friends and I took a wonderful study tour to the island of Bali. We started the journey at 7 am. Throughout the trip I was joking with friends and eating snacks, We also arrived at the first resting place. I got off the bus then headed to the restroom. After that, I returned to the bus to continue the journey. We also arrived at the restaurant Kurnia Ngawi. We were there for lunch and midday prayer at the Jamaah Asr. After that, we continued our journey. We arrived at the Utama Raya restaurant for dinner and did Maghrib prayers in Jama'a. After that, we continued our journey to the port of Ketapang. We also arrived at the port of Ketapang at 12 pm Even though it was midnight but the atmosphere was still hot, before boa...

General Truth

Assalamualaikum wrwb Hi friend, come back with me how are you hopefully good on this blog I'll discuss general truth hopefully you guys like it🥰 💮Understanding General truth💮 General truth is an absolute truth.Written in the present tense.Simple present tense is sentence English Tenses that serve to explain,represent and express the fact a general truth (general truth), the habits of a person as well as the activities that a person do at that time. 💐Purpose💐 To give and ask information about general truth in the present time. Untuk memberikan dan menanyakan informasi tentang fakta umum di waktu sekarang. 🥀Use Simple Present Tense🥀          🥀Verbal              (+) S + V1/V1(+s/es) + O + adv             Example : An Elephant eats grass.              (-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O + adv         ...

Routines In The Present Time

Assalamualaikum wrwb Hi friends, how are you? Good luck always, come back with me. Well, today I will talk about Routines In The Present Time.So let's go! 🛵 ✨Purpose✨ To give information or to ask information about routines in the present time. Untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menanyakan informasi tenang rutinitas di waktu sekarang. 🦄Example Simple Present Tense🦄 -I write a letter for my teacher.  Saya menulis surat untuk guru saya. -Nia usually doesn't breakfast.  Nia biasanya tidak sarapan -Do you study everyday? No, I don't.  Apakah kamu belajar setiap hari? Tidak, saya tidak. 🌈Structure of Simple Present Tense🌈 To give information about routines in the present time: (+) Positive Subject + Verb1/verb1+s/es + (Object) + (Adv) Example:I get up at 4 pm  • Note :               - V1 = I, You, They, We               - V1(+s/es) = He, She, It (-...

Willingness and Person's Capability

Hi friends, how are you? Good luck always, come back with me. Well, today I will talk about Willingness and Ability. But, I will talk about willingness first. So let's go! 🛵 ☔ WILLINGNESS ☔  Is willingness or unwillingness someone to do something. 🌧 Structure of the text 🌧              🌊Positive🌊 Subject + to be + Willing + to + Verb 1 + (Object) + (adv)               ⚡Example⚡ I'm willing to get married next year                             ⛄Negative⛄ Subject + to be + Not willing + to + Verb 1 + (Object) + (adv)                🔥Example🔥 I am not willing to get married next year            🌈Asking Willingness🌈 To be + Subject + Willing + to + Verb 1 + (Object) + (adv) + ?                     🌚Exa...


Hey friends, how are you? good luck always, meet me again. In this blog I will talk about existence. So let's go! 🤪 🌤SHOWING EXISTENCE🌤 To ask or give information about exist or unexist of someone/something. ✨Structure of the text✨ We can use "There is" if followed singular noun or uncountable noun. And we can use "There are" if followed by plural nouns.    ~Positive There is/ There are + Noun + (adv)  Example : There is a pencil case.    ~Negative  There is/ There are + not + Noun + (adv) Example : There is not a pencil case.    ~Asking existence Are/Is + There + Noun + (adv) + ?, Example : Is there a house here?  🌻PREPOSITION OF PLACE🌻 Are used to show the position or location of people, object, or animals, and to answer 'where' questions. 🦄Example from book🦄 here is a book on the cupboard. here is a book in the cupboard. 🌠Example by me🌠

Express an Obligation, Prohibition, Suggestion / Recommendation, Instruction, Invitation, and Permission

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Haii guys🙌🏻 Back again with my blog, after 2 month or so I didn't make a blog😂how are you doing? hopefully good😉 Yes, just to the point here I will create a blog about,Obligation,Prohibition,Suggestion,Invitation,Permission  And this in one blog guys is pretty much ok let's see.😸 ✨ Obligation ✨ Understanding Obligation is an Expression or Expression in English that is used to declare an Obligation -have to/has to + verb base -must + verb base 🦄Example🦄 •you must study hard •you have to study hard 🍭Respons🍭 •yes •sure 🏝Example dialogue🏝 A: hei how are you? b: yes i"m fine a:hei. are there a rules in your house(rules artinya peraturan) b: yes there are a:do you obey it(obey artinya mematuhi) b:no a:hey you must obligation to obey it b:ok sorry a:there are many rule in my house. i must obligation it b: wow you"re cool ✨ Prohibition ✨ Prohibition is a sentence forbidd...